Arm and Leg Pain Treatment in Fairfax, VA

Arm and Leg Pain Specialist

Arm and leg pain usually affects mobility and may develop injury or abnormalities in the skin, nerves, joints, blood vessels, or bones. Arm and leg pain can also result from severe health conditions, including nerve compression and even heart attack. You might experience it for a few minutes, hours, or even days, depending on the cause and severity.

If you have chronic pain in your arms and legs, consider a Fairfax chiropractor for chiropractic treatment.

Fairfax Chiropractor Explains About Arm and Leg Pain

Pain in the arm and leg often ranges from a dull ache to an intense stabbing sensation. The pain might appear and disappear within a short period and can be treated at home.

However, chiropractic care and arm pain treatment might come in handy if it’s severe or persistent. Because of the complexity of arm and leg joints and many causes of pain, it’s wise to visit a trained specialist in these areas.

A chiropractor can combine physical and functional examination and advanced imaging (if needed) to identify the root cause of the arm and leg pain. Once identified, specialists will perform chiropractic manipulations to ease the pain in the arm and leg.

What Are the Symptoms Of Arm And Leg Pain?

There are two types of arm or leg pain; primary and secondary. Primary pain originates from the arm or leg and then radiates to other parts of your body. Secondary pain rises from another part of the body and then reaches the arms and legs.

The common symptoms of arm and leg pain include:

  • Pain & Stiffness in wrist, elbow, or shoulder
  • Weakness of arms or legs
  • Difficulty in movement
  • Arm or leg skin that’s warm to touch
  • Loss of sensation & Abnormal sensations like tingling and electrical shock-like feelings
  • Pain worsens when exercising & Muscle cramps

Some of The Most Common Causes of Arm And Leg Pain

There are several causes of arm and leg pain. The primary reasons include:

  • Injury to joint muscles, knees, hips, etc.
  • Inflammation or irritation of tendons or rotator cuff tendonitis
  • Rotator cuff tear
  • Autoimmune diseases like arthritis
  • Stress fractures

Other causes of leg and arm pain

  • Cervical spine misalignment
  • Disc problem
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Nutritional deficiency & Side effects of medications
  • Deconditioning of shoulder muscles because of chronic disease or an injury
  • Nerve damage

How Chiropractic Care Treats Arm Pain and Leg Pain

Trained chiropractors can treat arm and leg pain in Fairfax through non-medical adjustments or manipulations. Chiropractic treatment helps to ease the symptoms of arm and leg pains and prevent future recurrence.

Musculoskeletal, vascular, and neurological conditions or injuries can cause tendon inflammation, muscle spasm, stiffness of joints, and pain. Chiropractic therapy can help to address such issues and strengthen your body’s immune system.

If you or your family member is experiencing arm and leg pain, visit Active Family Wellness today. Through treatment, patients have experienced high levels of success via chiropractic care.

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