Exercise and Chiropractic Therapy

Fairfax Chiropractor Explains About Exercise

Exercise has a profound impact on the body. According to statistics, it can decrease the risk of serious diseases, such as diabetes type 2, heart illness, and stroke, by up to 50%. The more you exercise, the better your stability, flexibility, and muscle strength.

Those who are physically active can decrease their risk of hip fracture by no more than 68%. As well as lessen the risk of osteoarthritis by up to a staggering 83%. But, what do exercise and chiropractic treatment have in common? 

Recently, more and more people have been asking for chiropractic help. Unfortunately, given the sedentary lifestyle, they are more vulnerable to stiffness, discomfort, and aches. But, if you recently thought about giving chiropractic and exercise a try, you’ve come to the right place. We compiled the most helpful information that will help you get a better perspective on the benefits of both of these factors.

Benefits of Regular Exercise

Regular physical activity has more to offer than it meets the eye. Exercise provides a boost in your metabolism and prevents muscle pain and tension buildup, whereas chiropractic treatment enhances the immune system.

When you pair chiropractic care with strengthening and exercises, you can effectively manage low back pain. Our chiropractors in Fairfax, VA, will make sure you get a custom exercise program and treatment tailored to your needs.

Overall, a reasonable amount of physical activity on a day-to-day basis is often recommended for those who get chiropractic treatment. Not just because it can provide a boost in your metabolism, but because it can ensure better concentration, mood, productivity, and restful sleep. 

What Kind of Exercises Are Worth a Try?

Plenty of exercises go well with chiropractic treatment, particularly for patients with low back pain. Our chiropractic team will evaluate your health state, extension, flexibility, and joint state to determine the most viable exercise you can try. Then, depending on what’s causing the problem, you could be given different exercises. 

For instance:

  • If you feel better when you bend over, our chiropractor will suggest doing physical activity that boosts low back flexion. These include posterior pelvic tilts, pulling your knees towards the chest, bending from a seated position, etc. 
  • If your back pain subsides in extension, like is the case with centralized or diminished leg pain, prone press-up type physical activity will do the trick. 
  • If you need additional exercises to curb back pain, you can try hamstring stretches, promoting balance, or strengthening the pelvic muscles. 

It is best to start with moderate exercises to avoid overexerting the body. Then, when you feel comfortable, you can adjust the intensity to suit your needs. For a more detailed guideline on the type of exercise to choose from, please contact Dr. Gregory Lee DC at Active Family Wellness. 

To find out more, visit our website at  Active Family Wellness. Here you can find any information about chiropractic treatment and exercise you need. Including the benefits, you should be looking forward to. With regular treatment and proper physical activity, you can address the aches and discomfort that have tormented you for a very long time.

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